Artificial Intelligence

Amazing Tips to Teach Artificial Intelligence (AI) To Your Kids In 2020

Artificial Intelligence or AI is a new horizon in the digital sector. It gives a unique frontier to humans to interact with technologies.

By 2025, 75% of companies could be using some form of AI (McKinsey Global Institute)

Artificial Intelligence has a bright and promising future ahead. If we talk about our daily interaction with the technology; Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant &IoT are just a few examples of AI. Now, our school-going generations need to learn about AI, how it works and how it can profit other industries. This modern technology is revolutionizing people’s lives be it personal or professional. Introducing AI to your children can make them a much aware and responsible global citizen of both today’s and tomorrow’s world.

Why should your children learn about AI? Every parent expects a bright and successful future for their kids. To ensure this, one should teach their child the skills which should be helpful in future as well. Many of the jobs which are present today might not exist tomorrow. Teaching Artificial Intelligence and machine learning will help them to grow 21st-century skills and create great future opportunities. Due to the advanced AI courses for children, they can learn this complex thing in a much easier way. Artificial Intelligence is all about coding through which we can communicate with computers. For children, Learning AI is like learning a new language. The sooner they learn the better they get.

Teaching your children about Artificial Intelligence and machine learning is not that big task. Here are some useful tips you can use to teach AI to your kids.

Make them understand ‘Artificial Intelligence’

It is not as complex as it sounds. Earlier and even today, computers are being used with human inputs or command. Not anymore, now computers are equipped with the capabilities to make their own decisions like us. This can be programmed with the help of machine learning. These AI programs work the same as a human brain do. These programs collect and store information, process it and make their own decision on its basis and learn from the pattern.

Find Resources to help them understand AI Better

Thanks to the internet we can access any information we want, there are several online resources with access to the information which help your child to grasp a better understanding of AI and machine learning.

Apps to understand Artificial Intelligence

Internet is flooded with several apps and programs that help your child to get the basic as well as in-depth knowledge about AI. Some great apps to help your kid are PIKA app, Machine Learning for kids, Dalton learning app etc. The more you find the more you get.

Enrol Them in a Child-Friendly AI Classes

Learning under the guidance of experts is one of the best ways for your child to understand the basics concepts of Artificial Intelligence. Nowadays, online AI classes for kids are quite popular where children can learn with safety at home.

Thinking from a parent’s perspective, it is a good move to teach your kids about AI for their education and career life. An early start will help them get ahead of their peers and stand them out of the crowd.